About the Department:
The department of Assamese, as a distinctive faculty as introduced in 1964, in the year of establishment of the college. At present, the department has 6 faculties. There is a healthy and cordial atmosphere in the department which has deep qualitative impact on teaching-learning process.
Learning Resources of the Department:
In addition to the college library, the department has its own library, which contains more than 200 invaluable books. The departmental library is open for use by the students during college hours. The department has its own computer to carry out its activities. Internet facility is also available now for both the teachers and the students.
Name: Dr. Arun Kumar Bora
Designation: Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Qualification: M.A, Ph.D,
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth:
Date of Joining:
Mobile: 7002238641
Name: Mrs. Rachna Padi (Pegu)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil
Gender: FEMALE
Date of Birth: 23/01/1974
Date of Joining: 19/03/2008
Mobile: 9954121922
E-mail: pegurachna26@gmail.com
Name: Dr. Mitali Nath
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
Gender: FEMALE
Date of Birth: 01/01/1987
Date of Joining: 11/06/2014
Mobile: 7002425508
E-mail: mitaliranu@gmail.com
Name: Mrs. Hirimpa Saikia
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil
Gender: FEMALE
Date of Birth: 25/10/1989
Date of Joining: 01/09/2015
Mobile: 8638985982
E-mail: shirimpa@gmail.com
Name: Krishna Rongpi
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 23/09/1977
Date of Joining: 15/12/2017
Mobile: 8638571850
E-mail: rongpikrishna217@gmail.com
J.D.S.G. College
P.O.: BOKAKHAT- 785612,
Phone: 03776-268082
mail: jdsgcollegelibrary@gmail.com