Career Counseling
The college has an active “Career Counseling Cell” which organizes workshops, seminars, lecture programmes, etc. from time to time with a view to guiding the students in choosing their career and developing an entrepreneurial quality. The cell has also been conducting several skill-based programmes from time to time for the benefit of the students. The cell conducts usually the following career programmes
(a) workshop on time management and priority factor
(b) Communication and body language
(c) Preparation of Interview
(d) Interview facing skills
(e) Career talks etc.
Apart from these, the cell has been conducting a Personality Development class for the Degree students. For details, students may contact:
Sri Prasanta Saikia, HoD, Department of Political Science, JDSG College, Bokakhat.
Events conducted by Career Counseling Cell:
Workshop on “Career Guidance & Employment Opportunity”: A day long seminar was held on 14th June, 2022 at RUSA Conference Building on the topic “Career Guidance & Employment Opportunity”. The program was organised by Career Counseling Cell & NSS unit of JDSG college. Mr. Arup Bhattacharjee, centre Director ICA, Jorhat Mega Centre acted as the resource person of the session. Dr Jayanta Gogoi, Principal, Ms. Dipali Rajkumari, Vice Principal, Dr. Jayanta Das, Co-ordinator, IQAC also interacted with the students in the program. Prasanta Saikia, Motiram Das, Sasanka Dhaval Saikia & 80 students from both Arts and Commerce students have attended the program. During the program, Dr. Jayanta Gogoi was awarded with the Best Excellency Award by A. Bhattacharjee on behalf of ICA, Jorhat.
Programme on Preparation for Competitive Examination: A lecture programme on preparation for competitive examination (ACS) was held on 14th February, 2022 at Rusa building.Mr Bikram Newar, ACS, Bokakhat sub-division was the chief speaker of the programme. Dr Jayanta Gogoi, Principal, JDSG College has given welcome address. Dr Jayanta Das, co-ordinator, IQAC, Prof.P Saikia, SD Saikia along with 40 degree students attended the meeting.
LED Bulb Manufacturing training programme: An innovative training programme on manufacturing LED lights for the students of JDSG college was held on 10th March, 2022 at Rusa building. The renowned innovator & motivator of Assam Mr Abhijit Duarah had showcased a few easy methods for making the LED bulbs. Principal Dr. Jayanta Gogoi, Dr. Arun Borah, SM Borah ,P Saikia, SD Saikia, office staff B.Das, M. Borah, U.Borah and 22 students participated in the training programme.
Road Cleaning Drive: A road cleaning drive at Panbari animal corridor by NSS volunteers of JDSG college was held on 25th February, 2022. Kaziranga National Park & Tiger reserve forest have organised this programme. Honourable Director,DFO, Ranger of KNP have spoken about the importance of road safety on the occasion. Honourable
Member of forest Uttam Saikia, Prof.P Saikia, M.Das along with 22 student volunteers have taken part in the programme.
*Training programme for recruitment in Assam Police, Army & pera-military forces: As part of the training programme for recruitment in Assam Police, Army & pera-military forces, undertaken jointly by Career Counseling Cell, JDSG College and Namdoyang Sports Club, Bokakhat, a post covid programme has been started in the college playground from the first week of August, 2021. About 100 aspirants, both boys and girls from Bokakhat and adjacent areas are participating in the programme with great enthusiasm. The programme covers physical ability enhancement, personality building, motivation, group activity, confidence building etc. along with counseling sessions for written tests. The coordinator of the programme is Mr. Subodh Borah, President, Namdoyang Sports Club & member, Dibrugarh University Sports Board. The physical part of the programme is being looked after by local physical education teachers Mr. Rajani Sarmah, Dwipen Saikia, Mridul Gowala & Diganta Handique while the theory part is being looked after by teachers from host college and nearby educational institution Mr. Nagendranath Nayak, Mr. Bidyut Boruah, Dr. Jayanta Das, Mr. Chiranjib Dahal and Mr. Satyendra Gogoi.