About the Department :
The History Department of JDSG College as a separate discipline is as old as the college itself. The department started its functioning along with the college from 1964. Distinguished teachers adorned the faculty of History from time to time. The department has 4 permanent faculties.
Learning Resources of the Department :
The department has its own library which is quite rich in collection of some recent books and journals. The teachers in the department usually follow the traditional lecture method- “Chalk & Talk”. LCD Projectors and computers are frequently used for comprehensive and fruitful teachings. Apart from these, tutorials and remedial classes are regularly arranged. Unit Tests and Home assignments are mandatory for the students as measures to prepare them for University Examination. Records of such unit tests are duly kept by the faculty members. The faculties are available beyond class-hours and even during vacations for academic interactions and holding special classes.

Name: Dr. Bijoy Sarma
Designation: Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D.
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 01-03-1972
Date of Joining: 10-11-1999
Mobile: 7896104703
E-mail: bsarmah1@gmail.com

Name: Chiranjib Dahal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil, M.Ed
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 04/11/1978
Date of Joining: 01/09/2015
Mobile: 9954285760
E-mail: chiranjibdahal@gmail.com

Name: Mr. Amarjit Hazarika
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 31-01-1977
Date of Joining:18-12-2020
Mobile: 9401706382
E-mail: amarjithazarika72@gmail.com

Name: Akashi Phukan
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil
Gender: FEMALE
Date of Birth: 10/11/1992
Date of Joining:24/09/2022
Mobile: 8638983895
E-mail: akashiphukan40@gmail.com
Departmental Activities:
Parent Teacher Meet, 2022
On 27th of June, 2022, the Department of History of JDSG College organized a parent-teacher meet to make the parents aware of the progress report of their wards. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Bijoy Sarmah, HOD Department of History, who was joined by the other faculty members of the department namely Chiranjib Dahal, Dr. Liky Deka and Amarjit Hazarika. In the meeting 14 students came along with their respective guardians.
The meeting was hosted by Chiranjib Dahal and the first interactive session was started by Dr. Bijoy Sarmah. Dr. Sarmah explained to the parents about the marks distribution pattern of the new CBCS system, about the requirement of attendance and the marking systems. He urged the parents to encourage their wards to come to college regularly and to watch out their ward’s activities at home as well. The next session was taken over by Chiranjib Dahal who explained to the parents about the credit point system that is newly introduced along with the CBCS syllabus, he further gave important ideas to the students for scoring marks in the exams. The next session was conducted by Dr. Liky Deka where she also talked about the falling grades of the students and the possible reason behind it. She further put forth ideas to improve the grades in the upcoming exams. The final session was taken over by Amarjit Hazarika where he explained to the guardians about their roles, they can take up to improve the overall development of their wards.
After the sessions were over a few of the parents expressed their views on the meeting as well as openly talked about the grievances they notice in their wards and asked for possible solution for the matter. Matters related to studying, use of mobile, attendance and lessening studying hours were some of the common issues noticed in the students as expressed by the parents.
The program was finally concluded with a lecture delivered by Dr. Jayanta Gogoi, honorable Principal JDSG College. He explained to the students about the importance of maintaining disciple within the college boundaries. He took up an initiative in the meeting to provide funding to the economically backward students by giving them free residing facility in the college hostel. He further explained to the students about the importance of visiting the library. The meeting came to an end after assurances made from both the parents and the teachers regarding the joint efforts they are going to make for the all round development of the students.